Introduction and Terms


Welcome to Discover FOSS or “Discover Free and Open Source Software.” I have enjoyed FOSS and running a variety of Linux distributions since the early 2000’s. I started Discover FOSS to document my own journey of discovery and to share that journey with the wider community of enthusiastic users. I hope to provide content that tells my story of discovery while at the same time introduces you to perhaps new corners of the free and open source world that you have not discovered on your own. Enjoy this journey of discovery with me.

Here are a few terms that I don’t plan to explain in every post. You can find FOSS that will run on Windows 10, Mac OS, Android, IOS, and of course on top of a Linux distribution. I will primarily write posts about using FOSS in a Linux distribution. Currently I run the following distributions with their links below. If you want to know more about those individual distributions I would head over to their websites.

When you see a reference to MX, I’m referring to the MX-Linux distribution. When I make references to the Mate desktop environment, I’m usually referring to my experience with it when using Ubuntu Mate. When I make references to Gnome that comes from my experience using it on Fedora.


Steve (mowest)

A free and open source enthusiast using these tools for work and fun.

MX Fluxbox Puts a Shine on Old Code